


英語圏最大の電子掲示板Redditの『r/baseball (野球板)』

米ニューヨークポスト紙の野球コラムニスト - Jon Heyman


「ニューヨークへようこそ、藤波晋太郎! 🍎 🗽」
quantumphysics33 (オリオールズファン) 「メッツファンの諸君、"藤浪体験" の心の準備をしておけよ」

DaShibaDoge (アスレチックスファン) 「アスレチックスファンだけど、君が言いたいことはよくわかりますw」

lOan671 (オリオールズファン) Hope he does well, he’s an easy guy to root for and the days he’s on there’s very few guys who can match his stuff.

But man those days he’s off are just hard to watch

O00O0Os (オリオールズファン) Dude looks like a completely different guy every time he takes the mound and you never know who you are going to get.

120snake (オリオールズファン) You kinda know what you're getting that day after 2 pitches. He's putting up 3 strikeouts or 3 walks and there really was no in between

Koronesukiii 1.If I don't have consistent mechanics, I can't tip my pitches.
2.If I don't know my sequence, you can't read my sequence.
3.If my catcher doesn't know what to expect, he can give no tells.
4.If you value your life, you don't crowd the plate.

Fuji has it figured out.

Goliath422 (マリナーズファン) I think it was Nolan Ryan who said it helps if the batter thinks you’re a little crazy…

sIamram (メッツファン) Curls paw Well we did sign one of the japanese pitchers after all

mattadeth (メッツファン) I hope Senga can fix him

Sp_Gamer_Live (ツインズファン) 「1年335万ドルて、昨年あんなにポンコツぶりを発揮したのに一体どうしたらこんな額もらえるのよ?!」

hubagruben (レッドソックスファン) 「時速100マイルの速球:「俺に任せろ!」」

Ryuuken1789 (メッツファン) MLB teams are paying for projected upside from pitchers, not past results.

LakersFan15 (ドジャースファン) 3mil is such a nothing burger. If he sucks again, the Mets don’t really lose anything.

cooljammer00 (ヤンキースファン) Good raw stuff, every team thinks they can be the ones to fix him

TruthSayerFu (ヤンキースファン) I don’t know much about him but the Mets have to think they can fix him. Can a A’s orioles fan tell me if it was location/command or mental?
(藤浪のことについてはよく知らないがメッツは彼を治すことができると考えているはず。ところでアスレチックスとオリオールズのファンに聞きたいんだけど彼に一貫性がないのは制球力の問題なの? それとも精神的なものが原因なの?)

Clarice_Ferguson From watching him on the Orioles, it’s both. He walks one batter, then another, and then it seems like everything collapses and he can’t get out of the mess he made.

O00O0Os (オリオールズファン) Completely agree. He has a real bad “spiraling” problem. If it starts to rain it’ll be pouring very soon if you don’t take him out.

Bigboi88888 (ヤンキースファン) He was a solid reliever last year

lOan671 (オリオールズファン) At times he was. He was extremely inconsistent and on his bad days he’s unplayable which is why he was left off of our postseason roster

doing-my-share Didn't he have -2 WAR and ERA of 8 or something?

Sp_Gamer_Live (ツインズファン) he had a 7.18 ERA

7勝8敗/防御率7.18/登板イニング数79.0回/83奪三振/-2.1 WAR

4月 防御率13.00
5月 防御率10.50
6月 防御率3.97
7月 防御率3.14
8月 防御率5.68
9月 防御率4.22

前半 防御率9.00
後半 防御率4.76

アスレチックス時代 防御率8.57
オリオールズ時代 防御率4.85

Redbubble89 (レッドソックスファン) It was close to 5 as a reliever. His last 40 innings from late June to end of the season had him around a 4.He has great makeup and stuff but control is a little harder to fix.

robmcolonna123 Transferring to the Majors from Japan is hard even when a player goes to a team with modern analytics, a pitching lab, and a coaching staff with experience working with Japanese pitchers.

The As facilities are infested with cats and possums.

The Mets have had success now with Japanese pitchers and we already saw him drastically improve with Baltimore in just a few weeks.

VINCE_C_ (ブルージェイズファン) Answer is easy: Potential upside is huge.

SeaworthinessRude241 (オリオールズファン) Love Fuji. I wish him nothing but success.

TommyPickles2222222 (オリオールズファン) I'm sure people are gonna joke about this signing, but this guy has a ton of upside. This could work out amazingly for the Mets.

techboy15 (カブスファン) Damn I was hoping we could get him, congrats Mets! No such thing as a bad one year deal and he’s got great upside out of the pen
(くそ、カブスに獲得して欲しかったのに、メッツさんおめでとう! 悪い1年契約などというものは存在しないからな、そもそも藤浪の場合はリリーフ投手になってから大きな好転の兆しを見せていたわけだし)

robmcolonna123 Have a guy like Fujnami who could be used as a swing man as needed is great

Queen_Grayhoof (メッツファン) Not bad


Marlin4Sale (オリオールズファン) 「私としては残念でならないよ。あの歓喜と悲鳴が交互にやってくる藤浪ワイルド体験がもう見れなくなるかと思うと本当に残念でならない。どうか彼がもたらす狂気を愛してやってくれ」

MrShortPants (オリオールズファン) He has crazy stuff. If he can get over the pressure he could be one of the best in the game. I really hope it works out. I'll be rooting for him.


英語圏最大の電子掲示板Redditの『r/NewYorkMets (ニューヨーク・メッツ板)』

TheDestinedRonin17 (メッツファン) Les goooo

muziklover91 (メッツファン) Yes ! Got Fuji !!! They listened to!!!
(藤浪さんをゲットしたぞヤッター! メッツが我々の言うことを聞いてくれたよ!)

SquintySquinty (メッツファン) Who needs Ohtani, Yamamoto, or Imanaga?


Main-County-1177 (メッツファン) I like this one. Feels like we had no high velo coming out of the bullpen last season, and this guy if nothing else, is a flame thrower

Zeeco110 (メッツファン) Called it last week lol. Stearns really loves these guys with excellent stuff but poor location.
(先週予言したことがマジで現実になりよったw デビッド・スターンズ編成本部長は投球力はあるけどコントロールが苦手という難のある人材を妙に獲得したがる癖があるからこうなると思ったわ)

xnerdyxrealistx (メッツファン) Stearns' NY Mets motto: "I can fix him"

TheBeepB00p (メッツファン) Hefner is gonna have so much work ahead of him this year with all these pitchers that have question marks lol.

dazindannyyy (メッツファン) I love this move. He was bad in 2023, but it’s a good reclamation project.

Guymcpersonman (メッツファン) Across the board, we were a very low velocity team last year as far as pitching was concerned.Good to shake that up

JSDHW (メッツファン) 100%. That was a HUGE issue last year. Everyone coming out of the pen was throwing 93-94. Today's hitters can square up EASILY against that.

HughWonPDL2018 (メッツファン) Diekman, Ottavino, and Fujinami? Oh dear, the walks are going to be painful this year.
(すでにジェイク・ディークマンにアダム・オッタビーノという問題児がいるのに藤浪さんまでメッツに来ただと? なんてこった、今年は四球に苦しめられる年になりそうだ)

JoelsCaddy (メッツファン) He pitched a gross inning against us last year in Baltimore


Naanderson2022 (メッツファン) i was there at camden for that game, everyone in the stadium was going nuts

dazindannyyy (メッツファン) He has awesome stuff, just has troubles with control.

Widge_Wacer (メッツファン) If the Mets can work on his control issues this will be a a great value signing.

fingers621 (メッツファン) I like this. Nice upside and low risk if he doesn't pan out

TonyKhand0m (メッツファン) Low risk, high reward. I'm here for it.

pr1ncejeffie (メッツファン) NICEEEE this is the guy I've wanted and I think a lot of you wanted as well.

TingusPingus08 (メッツファン) Great signing

resident16 (メッツファン) I feel like we have overhauled our bullpen this offseason.

fluffychiblets (メッツファン) Man I really like these moves

hopefulbeartoday (メッツファン) Obviously they need to work on his control but his stuff is elite. I wish we signed him earlier he needs to work with our lab as soon as possible
(もちろん制球の問題には取り組む必要があるが彼の才能は本物だ。どうせならもっと早く彼と契約していたらよかったのに、彼はできるだけ早くピッチラボと協力して改善策を探る必要がある) ピッチラボ:投手の能力を分析、怪我の原因となる可能性のある動作パターンを特定したりフォームを改善するために使用される専用施設および専用スタッフ

Ostrich_Butler (メッツファン) Was hoping Fujinami would make his way over to queens this year especially with the FO leaning into value signings. Here’s to the Pitching Lab getting him right!
(今年のメッツのフロントオフィスは大型契約を避け、お買い得な選手を集める方針に傾いていたから藤波がメッツに来てくれることを期待していたんだ! うちのピッチングラボが彼を正しく指導してくれるはず)

StuckSomewhereInTime (メッツファン) Put him in...THE LAB

Future-Studio-9380 (メッツファン) Sterns "throw shit against the wall and see what sticks" bullpen construction techniques have worked in Milwaukee and I'm surprised more teams don't emulate it.

bkop (メッツファン) Our bullpen is either going to be elite or somewhere in the realm of 10+ERA this year

Sad_Resort8632 (メッツファン) Mets are either going to be pretty good this season or hilariously, hilariously bad, and either way I’ll be entertained.